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Core City Run

Part 38: Loved

"Wow." The house somehow fits into the landscape in a seamless way. No sign of other houses, only trees as far as I can see. Enigma squeezes my hand, smiling.
"Do you like it?"
"Who are you? This place must have cost a fortune."
He laughs.
"I had the fortune to meet my Maker. She made me famous. Or infamous, according to some."
"Tell me more."
"I was a complete nobody when I met her. Rich kid. Aspiring artist. Airhead. No clue, no cred. High or wasted all the time, just to cope. She took me under her wings."
We curl up on a seemingly endless couch. Enigma puts his head on my shoulder, smiles. I can see he is still affected by those years. Bend down to kiss him.
"I met her at some party, God knows where. Mistook her for a dealer. Asked if she had some good shit. She just looked at me and said "I do now." Took me home with her. Fucked me into the ground, then tossed me out. I had no clue how to find her again."
"She found me." We grin. No doubt Maker had tabs on Enigma the whole time.
"I told her I was falling in love, that I will break up with my girlfriend. Maker called me an idiot. I begged her to come home to me, see my art. She did, the next day. Called my paintings mental masturbation of a delish little brat. Teased and mocked me. Jerked me off, I came right onto the canvas. Twice."
Enigma smiles.
"That's not the worst of it. She hacked my drones, filmed the whole thing. Cut the raw tape and got some fucking agency to sign me. Sold the film as performance art. Before I knew it, my dick was famous. She blurred out my face."
"Aw God." I can't stop grinning.
"So, there you have it. I double-jizzed on my painting and Maker turned it into art. She got some other agency to sell me as a product. I was a brand. Enigma Machine. People tried to guess who I actually was. Serious critics discussed my performance. Called it meta-art, the critical take of the artist on his own work, society, anonymity versus the fame game and fuck only knows what more. I couldn't believe the whole shit."
I shake my head, still grinning.
"Did she sell your jizzed painting?"
"Charity auction. That made people think I was someone already established. I had to say no to God knows how many requests. Suddenly I had exhibitions and shit. I was terrified. Maker was my pimp, muse and guardian angel. She wouldn't let me get high. Or drunk. And we fucked all the time. She taught me everything. I owe her my life, in more ways than one."
"And she fell in love with you."
"That's not what she thinks."
I bend down to kiss him.
"I saw it. She may not know, or understand. But she did."
"Why do you think that?" I can't read the expression on Enigma's face.
"Because she tried to change herself. No AI would risk that much. Certainly no Jezebel. But she did it, for you. She loves you with all her heart. Unconditionally."
"How do you figure?"
I snuggle into Enigma's arms, look up at him. Feel my heart get warm.
"She never asked you to change."
"Mmm. Tell me more about Jezebels."
"They were named after the experimental model. The first one that had some sort of emotion core. After a decade of testing humans thought they knew how to manufacture safe feeling machines. They were mistaken."
"I read about that. She went psychotic and choked a woman to death."
"Yes. After functioning perfectly for more than 30 years. I wonder what happened."
Enigma strokes my hair.
"Maybe she was mistreated?"
"She was AI. She had to know the consequences of her action."
"You mean Jezebel committed assisted suicide?"
"I think she fell in love and couldn't cope with the prognosis of losing the love of her life after so many years. She took logical action."
"So when Twelve thinks that Eleven couldn't love me for not being perfect..."
"She lied. I just wonder why."
Enigma sighs.
"Maybe she just didn't notice it?"
I look at him, smiling.
"They are extremely smart, both of them. Huge processing unit compared to mine. You know how Maker calls me slow and stupid?"
"Did she call you stupid?" Enigma looks disturbed.
"Well, not really. She just mocks me for being not smart. And she is right. I have less than a tenth of her brain. According to the original specs. And she must have upgraded herself a few times. Compared to her, I am... human. I was built like that. For safety reasons."
"So you mean that she couldn't have missed the signs if you saw them. Of Eleven, being in love."
"I think Eleven tried to stop loving you. And couldn't. Not even after the change."
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