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A collection of tasks for my submissive princess that I hope others will find inspiring.

Part 8: Coffee with a sting

Ahh yes, the nettle. This is for one of the simpler tasks. And public tasks. It is quite simple.

1. Get a pair of plastic gloves. Maybe you can some free ones from a gas station?

2. Pluck 1 nettle leaf and put it in a small plastic bag just before leaving the house. Wear a skirt, and no panties. Bring the bag with you in your car.

3. When you get ready to leave the car, remove the nettle leaf from the bag, brace yourself and insert it in your pussy. Take a deep breath and get out of the car.

(if inserting the leaf is too much, you have my permission to just rub it against the outside of your pussy lips)

4. Complete your visit to the café, store etc, while your pussy is itching and remember that you are my submissive and that your pussy is mine to command.

Love and hugs from me, far away and close by.

Edit: You all deserve to have the response I got a day later.
As I type I'm in a coffee shop with the nettle tingling away in my pussy. It was interesting sliding it in and awaiting the sting to start. It took mere seconds to happen, but the height of pain lasted about 5 mins (through my ordering which I know will make you happy).

The barista could tell something was off but never said anything to me.

While I sip at my coffee and send this text, it has dulled to an uncomfortable tingle. I know moisture is what keeps it going - which I'm sure you knew and hence why you suggested it in my moist pussy. I'll stay here till my coffee is finished knowing my pussy is under your command.

Added 17 sep 2018   Articles   #Woman as bottom #Self experienced #BDSM #Bondage #Discipline #Spankings #Service #Exhibitionism

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