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A collection of tasks for my submissive princess that I hope others will find inspiring.

Part 10: The protesting pussy and the pencils

I told you about a little experiment I did with a ladyfriend last year. I managed to push 33 pencils into her pussy before she said stop.

Well, now it is your turn. But how many pencils should I aim for? She is not a masochist, so her threshold for pain and discomfort is clearly lower than yours. On the other hand, she has given birth, so her pussy might be more accommodating to expansion than yours.

I have settled on a 10% increase = 3.3 pencils which I will round up to 4 pencils = a total of 37 pencils. That is your goal. 37 pencils stuffed into that little pussy of yours.

I suggest you use a condom to hold everything in place. If needed, you can dip the end of the pencil in oil so it can slide into the pack with ease once it starts to get tight.

Once you have reached 37 pencils I want you lie still for a few minutes and savour the feeling. Make it 3 minutes or so. If at the end of that period you feel you can take 1 more pencil, or 2, or 3, I encourage you to do so.

When you are satisfied that your pussy is maxed out, I want you to massage your clit with fingers or a toy until you have an orgasm. Only then are you allowed to remove the pencils.

The punishment you ask? Well, for each pencil below the 37 pencils mark, you will be under orgasm-denial for 2 days.

Reward for going over 37? How about the reverse? For each pencil over 37 you get to skip 2 days of orgasm-denial if and when I decide to order you to not masturbate.

That is your next task: 37 pencils.

After a long wait my princess finally found time in her schedule to lay down and learn when her pussy would protest.

I decided to use the free day, after a longgggg week to finally get to the pencil task that I've disappointingly put off for a few months now Sir.

So im not sure if I bent the rules a little bit, but I gave it a try early today and came up short, tapping out at 34 pencils. But I felt with the next ongoing task of pussy training I could improve. So I went and got my #3 butt plug, my chastity belt, and slipped it in to my pussy and went about my day for about an hour with it in.

Then I wanted to give the pencils another try after my pussy felt like it was "warmed" up a bit more. It didn't break any records like I thought it might... I had my heart set on impressing you with getting to the 40 range .... Sadly all I achieved was no discipline, and I ended up at 37.5 pencils (I tried to get one past by attempting 38..... got it about halfway in... but it was too much and that's where I tapped out )... so im counting myself successful by 0.5 of a pencil length Sir. I do hope you approve of my attempt and my results.

Added 2 oct 2018   Articles   #Woman as bottom #Self experienced #BDSM #Bondage #Discipline #Spankings #Service #Exhibitionism

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