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A collection of tasks for my submissive princess that I hope others will find inspiring.

Part 15: Super Bowl - let the game begin

On the evening of Super Bowl 2019, my princess contacted me and asked for a little task to be done as part of watching the game. Games are always interesting due to their element of chance and the spectators inability to control events. I thought about for a while and this is what I came up with.

So... The task. You have a had a long hard week, so I want to be lenient with you. You will need your vibe, your nipple bands, and a notepad. And a pencil which I am sure you can find somewhere.

It will be a bit random, but if your team is good, and if you are good, there should be a significant upside for you. The basics are like this:
  • Every time your team score (field goal or touch down), you get to turn on the vibe for 5 minutes.

  • And every time the other side scores, you put on the nipple bands for 3 minutes.

  • Every time a team score a goal, the count down is cancelled.
Now the twist.
  • If you orgasm while being vibed, put a mark on the notepad. Each mark can be used to cancel a 3 minute session with the nipple bands.

  • You can save a mark for later use if you want. It can be useful to have a saved mark if the opposite team happens to score twice in a quick succession
That was it. Simple, and unpredictable.

Added 3 feb 2019   Articles   #Woman as bottom #Self experienced #BDSM #Bondage #Discipline #Spankings #Service #Exhibitionism

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